How to Build Kindling

Build kernel modules and eBPF modules

Note: Necessary only if your kernel version is not supported by Kindling. Otherwise this step is optional.

Following steps are used to compile local kernel modules and eBPF modules, which you can skip if using precompiled modules by Kindling.

# Get the latest repository
git clone -b kindling-dev
cd agent-libs

# Kernel headers are used to compile kernel modules and eBPF modules. The version of kernel headers must match the runtime. Warning: The command might not work with some kernel, or install kernel headers in another way. is a choice to find RPMs for RHEL-like distributions.
# Debian-like distributions
sudo apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# RHEL-like distributions
sudo yum -y install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)

# Compile the kernel module and eBPF
docker run -it -v /usr:/host/usr -v /lib/modules:/host/lib/modules -v $PWD:/source kindlingproject/kernel-builder:latest
# Create a tarball which is needed when building the probe container image
tar -cvzf kindling-falcolib-probe.tar.gz kindling-falcolib-probe/
# Copy and wait for building the image.You may need to prefix /kindling path with your own absolute path
cp kindling-falcolib-probe.tar.gz kindling/collector/docker/

Build kindling-agent itself

  1. Build the binaries using the building image
git clone
# Run the compiling container
cd kindling/deploy/scripts/ && sh
# Use make to build the binaries
  1. Build a runnable image
cd kindling
docker build -t kindling:latest -f collector/docker/Dockerfile collector/docker/